24 Winner Closed

24Winner was a new binary options broker what we first added in February 2015 to our website.

The company is also active in the poker and casino markets under the names of winner casino and winner poker – these brands have a good reputation. However it looks like their binary option broker didn’t last long as the broker seems to be out of business.

The broker was know as Winner Options in the past and was owed by Safecap LTD. The broker was regulated and licensed by Cysec and was powered by the KeyStone platform.

If you visit their website you will see following message:
24options out of business

“Please rest assured that all accounts remain secure, and that funds can be withdrawn by contacting 24Winner customer support via phone at +35722222052 or via emal ad support@24winner.com”

According to the homepage all traders will get their money back. If you are one of these traders or if you have anything to say about this situation let u know in the comments below.

Optiontime Binary Options Broker Closed

We have just been announced that optiontime, one of the brokers of markets.com is closing on November 19th, 2015. The brand, markets.com, no longer wishes to continue operating this binary options broker, as they are focusing on their flagship broker Top Option and the Forex/CFD Markets.com.

It’s unfortunate that this broker closes, because there weren’t any complaints or negative reviews.

Which broker should I choose now?

If you are looking for a trusted binary options broker you can take a look at the top 5 broker on our homepage, the top 10 brokers here, or if you are from the US then check out the best us binary options brokers.

How to pick a binary options broker?

There were better brokers than OptionTime. When choosing a broker, you should always read some reviews, because chances are that the broker is a scam. Another thing to look for is the regulation, however regulated brokers can be scams as well, but there is a lower chance.

Why was OptionTime closed?

We don’t know the reason exactly all we know is that the company is focusing on the more known brands. This probably means that OptionTime was not profitable enough to keep running.

Binary Options Sponsorships

Looks like more and more brokers decide to invest even more money into marketing and they seem to try out all possible marketing channels. Sponsoring European football teams seems to be a very popular choice for the brokers at the moment and this also shows the huge growths of the binary options industry in general and how much money there really is.

There was a huge wave of partnership deals in 2015 and here is a list with all the current sponshorships of binary options brokers.
source: forexmagnates

These kind of high profile deals cost a lot of money, however the binary brokers hope for long term benefits here. Sponsoring a known team is good for the company’s image, and there is always a possibility to get new clients, especially sports bettors, who are familiar with depositing/withdrawing money online. There are more and more sports betting fans looking for extra sources to make money and binary options brokers try to take advantage of this, by making their names more known in this community.

source: forexmagnates

One of the most amazing sponsorship deals was the Banc De Binary – Liverpool sponsorship (one year partnership deal). It’s not clear yet how big this deal is, but experts think it’s around $2.3 Million. Part of the deal is marketing support and player appearances in the banc de binary events. We are excited to see how this positively affects the brand.

Liverpool’s commercial chief Bill Hogan said:

“Our partnerships are about quality relationships and as a club we feel a great affinity with the drive and ambition reflected by Banc De Binary. We very much look forward to working together.”

What do you think? Will this partnership deal be profitable for Banc De Binary? Let us know in the comments.

Wash Over of Recalcitrant Boards by the Rise in Financial Regulation

Despite the regulators clamping down, there is not enough ‘board level’ activity being done by almost half of the biggest finance corporations in the world for addressing bonuses and risk management. Research shows that although there was a rise in newer regulations across the globe during the financial crisis for focusing on enhancing culture in organizations, only 60% of boards openly discuss their risk management.

According to the Deloitte biennial risk survey, a mere half of the respondents thought the culture as the responsibility of their risk management team. The head of Deloittle’s global risk group, Edward Hida, indicates that ethics and risk culture are much more than simple ‘buzzwords’; they are very real. Over 71 financial corporations were surveyed.

When it comes to assessing soundness and safety, US regulators are passed looking at only the liquidity levels and capital of banks and now use ‘qualitative’ assessments of the bank’s risk management in a yearly stress test. This practice has gained the attention of UK supervisors who plan to follow. Since the criminal offence that was introduced to the UK of recklessly mismanaging a bank, the UK has some extremely tough laws and guidelines on remuneration on the globe in an attempt to keep management up to its highest degree.

Another increasing concern for the bigger corporations of the world is tougher regulation which includes the fallout from subsequent litigation and global probes.

According to a different survey conducted by Norton Rose Fulbright, regulatory litigation and investigations were among the top concerns and third-largest dispute for general counsel and their company.

The head of investigations, Chris Warren-Smith, for Europe, Asia and Middle East at the law firm, states that even though the investigations of the foreign-exchange market and manipulation of Libor are wrapping up, there is still a concern to financial corporations regarding the continued regulatory probes within various benchmarks which include precious metals and commodity trading reviews. He also says the UK has an increased interest in sanctions compliance.

The UK Financial Conduct Authority and US Department of Justice along with other authorities are additionally exploring the wrongdoing in the past to determine if any repeat issues would warrant increased penalties.

The Financial Times reported the 2012 non-prosecution agreement between UBS and DoJ over Libor is at risk of being annulled as part of forex manipulation deal negotiations. Mr. Warren-Smith states that similar to the UBS issue, you will start to see lots of pressure on the NPAs and DPAs. He goes on to say the DoJ says they will tear the agreements up if needed. Over 803 corporate company counsels’ responses were surveyed around the world. Many of them had revenue that exceeded $1bn. Half the respondents stated their company had employed outside counsel just recently for helping in a regulatory probe.

Company size does matter when it comes to regulatory proceedings, the survey found. Over half of the big corporations report they one or more proceedings pending already against them as opposed to 16% of smaller companies. When it came right down to it, half of the corporations with $1bn revenue or more stated they had a regulatory case or two against them.

Robots Taking Over Corporate Finance Jobs

Inside the financial industry, many IT professionals could end up struggling to find work as robots begin to take over accountant and bookkeeping jobs in large businesses. This results in technology takeover of corporate financial departments.

There is an increase in computer program use by businesses to cut staffing costs and save time. In fact, the average number of full-time staff in financial departments since 2004 has decreased by 40% according to the Hackett group, consulting firm. That’s around 71 staff members for each billion of earnings from 119.

Telecom giant Verizon’s CFO, Fran Shammo, made a quote in the Wall Street Journal that said a huge factor in the cost savings of companies is automation. By closing almost 100 back office areas and cutting jobs across the United States, Verizon was able to reduce their financial department costs over the last 3 years by 21%. This allowed them to renovate a finance department hub that already exists in Oklahoma and build a new one in Florida.

Verizon has benefited a great deal by using software enabling them to reach $127.1 billion in 2014 in revenue since it allowed them to cut over 3500 manual Excel entry staff members. By the end of this year, Verizon intends on cutting 1400 more manual workers which will help them reach a 35% overall reduction.

Also quoted in the Wall Street Journal was Deloitte Consulting LLP’s principal, Michael Armstrong, stating that companies have been ardent about cost cuts especially following the financial crisis. Specifically, bigger corporations hire 20% less human resource workers and 44% less full-time IT staff workers when compared to a decade ago. In addition to this, many companies now handle financial tasks using robots versus hiring manual workers and outsourcing to other companies.

The Oracle’s Hyperion software is now being utilized by the information services company known as Wolters Kluwer NV for helping with account closures each quarter end. This shaves off half the time as it did with doing it manually. Instead of utilizing workers to gather information, the company now hires analysts for helping with financial data sorting for calculating revenue, profit and cash flow. This allows the company to forecast its financial future.

Wolters Kluwer’s CFO, Kevin Entricken, states companies are not competing for data analysts which is resulting in the scarcity of these workers and increased costs. He goes on to say it is more difficult to find people and the each worker’s salary in the finance department has gone up despite the fact the head count remains stable.

Mihir Shukla, who is CEO of Automation Anywhere Inc.’s robotic process automation technology, states that jobs are reduced by automation in the short term. But, in the long run, companies are able to operate more efficiently due to this software. He goes on to say that thinking like a human limits you, but more possibilities arise when you think like a robot.

Wall Street’s Bears Come Back in Style

After almost 6 years of a whopping U. S. stock market, traders are concerned about how much longer it is going to last. All of a sudden, the views of the unfavorable Nancys are starting to get a lot of interest.

The bears build their own case that an economic crisis is close on 4 aspects: dropping oil costs, stagnant income, the “two-edged sword” of the powerful US buck and large problems overseas. “Earnings as well as financial activity are in fact weakening, not building up, ” states Chief Investment Officer, James Abate at Centre Asset Management, which handles more than $8 billion. “The development outlook, to us, is actually going downhill. “

The dollar problem: One of the greatest issues businesses encounter at this time is the powerful U. S. dollar. The euro lately hit their 11 year low of approximately $1.10 to the euro. It might sound great — it is less expensive travel to European countries — however it hurts U. S. businesses selling their products overseas. U. S. exported products are rapidly getting more costly — and much less appealing — to overseas buyers.

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Consider that MS or Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) documented strong revenue Tuesday; however its stocks decreased almost 10% because it is predicting weaker product sales overseas because of the powerful U. S. buck. Exactly the same holds true for Procter & Gamble (PG) as well as United Technologies (UTX), a few of America’s greatest businesses that employ countless numbers.

“There are limitations to just how much further the actual U. S. dollar can value before it begins to chew much more significantly into financial activity, ” states Senior Director, Sheryl King, of research at Roubini Global Economics as well as previous Bank of America economist.

Oil’s onerous price: Just like the dollar, you will find 2 sides to the massive decrease in oil costs from over $100 per barrel during the last summer months to $45 right now. People in America love inexpensive gas at the pump, however lower oil costs are forcing companies to scale back on employee positions as well as investing. The oil field has added over a 1 / 2 million jobs — most of them higher paying — because the economic downturn finished in June 2009. That is 13 percent of all US job development over that time period. Now power companies and associated sectors tend to be laying off countless numbers. Expect that trend to maintain for a while, bears points out.

“The drop in oil costs will certainly continue and result in much more, I believe, worry remarks as these businesses begin to report every quarter, ” states Chief Equity Strategist, Brian Sozzi, at Belus Capital Advisors.

It’s currently hurting business revenue. Take Tuesday, for instance: the Dow dropped 291 points right after Caterpillar (CAT), the country’s biggest building gear organization, documented a 25% drop in earnings because of company slowdown in oil-producing areas.

Concerns overseas: Beyond oil, the worldwide financial picture makes bears think that the U. S. can’t be the tug boat tugging everybody forward.

Opteck receives Cysec and IFSC regulation

opteck regulated

Opteck just announced that they have got the Cysec and IFSC regulation on May 2nd 2015. This is great news for everybody because you can now trade knowing that your money is more secure then before. Opteck is a great broker, but they do not accept US traders.

Here is their new address:

Ttrading name of Centralspot Trading (Cyprus) Ltd.
Authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) under the license No.238/14.
Address: 6 Vassili Vryonide Street, Office 304, Limassol, 3095 Cyprus

Max. Payout:
Open Free Account
Regulated Broker

With opteck you can trade commodities, currencies, indices and stocks. They offer a great payout of 85% and the minimum deposit is $250. Opteck has a variety of payment methods including credit and debit cards, e-wallets and wire transfer.

The platform is 100% web based, and it was created for new and experienced traders. You can even trade from your smartphone, because the trading platform is also available as app for iOs and android.

Company Boards: More Similar than Distinct in Operation

Boardrooms aren’t so different when it comes to the effectiveness of them and keeping directors awake at night. Why would you bother performing a formal external evaluation of the company board when it wasn’t needed? It might seem a little like a school requesting an Ofsted inspection or something which is the type of thing that gives head teachers’ nightmares at night. However, more and more we see boards seeing regular board evaluations and being of value and employing the UK Corporate Governance Code as the tool for them.

Indeed since the year 2010, it has been a requirement within the list of FTSE companies to every three years conduct an external evaluation around this code. Any company that has a reporting date that follows October 1, 2014, is required to use the updated version of last year’s code putting more significance on long term risk management and organization sustainability.

Although this might come across as cumbersome, external evaluations have become more accepted gradually and are considered valuable to PLC company boards along with their stakeholders. It compares how serious a board takes its performance improvement and evaluation and offers some assurance about the operation of a board.

Many of company boards that are outside of the FTSE 350 are looking at the benefit of implementing the FRC code, which also includes public sector and mutual organizations and charities. However, does the assortment of core business and culture of these companies really indicate that only a single code can be their guidance?

Well, taking a look at the whole scheme of things, although a privately financed company has a far different mission than that of a large charity, when it comes right down to the anxieties and the insomnia it gives the Chairman, you can pretty much sum it up to boards not really being so different.

There’s More Alikeness than Difference in the Board’s Operation

A survey of the improvement and evaluation of board’s across all sectors was recently conducted which include over 100 company board members. This survey was put in place to explore the amount of differences between each sector.

It was found that although boards might operate very distinctive organization types, when it comes down to setting priorities, making decisions, obtaining proper skills and their viewpoint of their performance improvement, there was more similarity than difference between boards. Some priority differences were obvious.

For instance, the survey showed that there is much less focus on investment decisions and risk management with public sector boards as opposed to private sector boards. Also, important executive appointments were put on a higher priority list with charity boards than with other sectors.

Across all sectors, there are a higher percentage of boards that are performing some type of evaluation, however, outside the PLCS; most of these are exercises being done internally. But, the word is spreading about the good practice and FRC code adherence and more and more boards are beginning to look towards evaluation structures to help them with their development and assessment plans. Plus, newer codes are being developed in the public and charity sector.

Often, these newer codes are coming about due to companies feeling as though the FRC code is not applicable to their business. However, the new codes which are put in place to meet anticipated requirements of specific situations might result in missing the all point of a broadly applicable code.

There leaves a risk in typical blind spots within sectors being focused on when codes are created to suit specific sectors. Also, newer codes might not have continued resourcing and commitment which is offered through the FRC ensuring they are kept updated with the quick changing expectations of stakeholders.

Transfer Lessons, Build on Experience

Finance professionals and CFOs are in high demand for serving as trustees on boards and NEDs in various sectors. They gain a lot of experience which is in most cases an asset for the development of their own career as well as what they can contribute to governing the board.

Through supporting and reassuring board evaluation framework that is based off of the FRC code, these executives and NEDs may come up with a common language for discussing weaknesses, strengths and certain risk factors of any board. It also promises a better understanding of how boards can be more effective around the media and stakeholders and better board performance transparency.

The Obama oil boom


The best oil boom within this country’s historical past has occurred through the period of environmentalist and self-proclaimed Barack Obama. Under Obama, the constant decrease in U. S. oil manufacturing that had happened practically unchecked since the year of 1971 has been reversed. Crude oil creation has increased each year of his administration. It has leaped 72% since he got in office, generating around 3. 6 million extra barrels each day in that period.

Oil manufacturing has exploded so much that last summer the country found and handed down Saudi Arabia as the planet’s biggest oil maker. Just before Obama departs office, domestic oil manufacturing might lead the U. S. record placed in 1970.

A mix of new technology, mainly fracking, has unlocked oil which was formerly out of reach from drillers. That, along with high oil costs throughout a lot of his term has motivated investment decisions within the oil exploration, industry expert’s state. The administration is a bystander throughout the oil boom, neither motivating nor discouraging it, it is said. “You cannot credit or fault the U.S. president for the actual oil boom,” stated Chief oil analyst, Tom Kloza, of the Oil Price Information Service. It has already been the double pillars of cost and technologies. It’s capitalism at its best. “

Production increased only slightly on government lands, causing the boom cities in North Dakota. Several of the gains are already on privately owned property. At the same time, in the face of less expensive on-shore oil, manufacturing has dropped from costly offshore wells rented from the government.

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Overseas manufacturing climbed to its top in 2010, the year of BP’s Deepwater Horizon catastrophe.
“This country’s power renaissance continues to be completely dependent on personal investment on privately owned land, “stated Senior Policy Consultant, Andy Radford of the American Petroleum Institute. Critics of the Obama administration, particularly Republicans, have long falsely accused him of not really doing enough to motivate oil manufacturing.

The Obama administration has taken a few steps to restrict production, along with a short-term moratorium on drilling within the Gulf of Mexico inside the wake of the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe as well as support for alternate power. It has additionally proposed reducing $4 billion in annual tax breaks around the oil market, however that in no way got past Republicans in Congress. The most recent battle continues to be over the administration refusal to accept the Keystone XL Pipeline to transport oil from North Dakota and Canada to refineries and terminals within the Gulf Coastline.

However the Obama administration has not attempted to prevent the expansion in fracking. This week it introduced plans to permit overseas oil drilling across the Atlantic Coastline from Virginia to Georgia. It might be the very first time overseas drilling would be permitted there. The proposal delivered criticism from Obama’s normal allies in the environment community and the oil market complained that it did not open sufficient overseas locations to drilling.

Stock.com launches Binary Options Platform

stock binary options

The owners of the forex platform stock.com have just launched a new binary options platform. Stock.com is a big brand in the industry, which means that we can expect great things from their new binary options site.

Stock.com CMO Sydney Ifergan, says,

Clients can take advantage of forex market volatility with quicker trades and shorter time spans with binary options. With our new site we are offering the ability to ride waves of trades with different products suited to every level of proficiency.

The new binary site is welcoming new traders and is fully regulated by CySec, the best know regulator from Cyprus.

Stock.com started in 2013 and both the forex and binary platform are powered by Sirix software.

If you are unsure which binary broker is the best for you, simply take a look at our top10 binary options and pick your favorite broker.

US Brokers: https://www.top10binaryoptions.net/us-binary-options-brokers/
UK Brokers: https://www.top10binaryoptions.net/uk-binary-options-brokers/